Reality check for raising capital

For pre and seed, a common pitch problem is not having clarity on the market problem you want to solve. Before you email another investor, please think about this: to raise money, the investor needs to know what you have mastered. What can you claim about your opportunity that you have reached clarity on the other side of complexity? This clarity needs to be self-evident.

Pre Seed Clarity

Please have solid answers to these questions before pitching for pre seed money

1. What is your big idea, what do you think is possible in 5-7 years? [This is your energy, purpose, passion]

2. What is the hardest problem you solve?  [This is your value prop to the customer and your position in the market]

3. Why this team solves this problem [your drive, purpose, passion, energy]

4. What tech do you have or think you can build to solve this problem?  [This is your uniqueness, defensible position, IP]

 Having these answers down cold sets you apart from most teams pitching early investors.

Seed Clarity 

Assuming you have clarity on above pre seed questions

1. Who will buy this and for how much? [customer segments, price]

2. What business model can house the product/market? [PMF requires business model, unit economics, CAC]

3. What team is needed to find 1st PMF? [you can hire the right people - fast enough]

4. How do you fit in the market? [position, market size, competition]


When you can answer these questions, based on EVIDENCE, you have reasonable clarity to pitch for seed investment.

If you have or want clarity for either pre seed or seed, lets talk.