We understand how to grow your revenue.

iZtek’s expertise is in growing revenue for tech companies. Per Heistad is the principal of iZtek Marketing, JJ Digeronimo is the strategic analyst.  Both Per and JJ have Fortune 500 experience in marketing, lead generation and sales. They also have 10 years of experience in applying the proven marketing system to early stage tech companies.



Per Heistad has been an independent marketing and sales contractor for 18 years. For 7 years he contracted to American Express Financial Advisors, he has worked with dozens of early stage companies since then. His work is focused on the Science of marketing and sales. Per’s expertise includes value proposition models, target customer profiling, marketing structure and marketing/sales team alignment.  


Strategic Advisor

JJ DiGeronimo is a strategic advisor to executives leading market based initiatives with revenue based MBOs. She has 20 years’ experience with technology ventures, including Inktomi and VMware, after starting at Anderson Consulting. She is a quoted expert in numerous business articles and the author of two books. DiGeronimo is an expert on lead generation strategy, technology sales, lead gen. channels and tactics and product/market fit. She has started several companies and a nonprofit and sits on several boards. 

Story Master

The principles of ‘Story’ are at the core of all marketing and sales work. JJ is iZtek’s Story Master. A professionally trained Meisner actor and director, JJ’s expertise is being able to find an authentic story and tell it well.  He has constructed stories used by the military in live simulations and the high stakes environment of testifying at trial. Currently a college professor JJ has also founded several businesses. In addition to credit on numerous screenplays he is the author of a book on the 17th century Norwegian that inspired the legend of Santa Clause. JJ lays claim to being the only ‘left brain’ creative type who can work with Per on screenplays.